How to improve your Position in Search Engines – Suppose you work in digital marketing and read our blog by now. In that case, you are more than aware of what SEO is, Search Engine Optimization, search engine optimization, Pandas, Penguins, Birds and other species of algorithmic fauna.

The theme of discord between departments, the eternal anguish of not knowing when Google will surprise us with another update of its algorithm, the panic of not knowing how to explain to our clients why their website traffic has fallen and thus endless constant nightmares for not learning how to improve our search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic.

Being a complex issue due to the diversity of factors that influence success in search engines and constant changes, the principles of a good SEO strategy are basic.

1. Create a Taxonomy  or a Sitemap – How to improve your Position in Search Engines

Taxonomy is the science of classifying and ranking things, usually used in biology to organize and relate species. It is a widespread tool in the design of content management systems (CMS).

In digital language, it is the content structure of your company. The clearer your company’s content structure, the better you can optimize it for the user and see opportunity gaps.

Absolute right; it is a handy tool to start keyword analysis. The results of this type of exercise can reveal what kinds of words you should include, prioritize or exclude. It is also beneficial for developing internal link strategies.

Whether you are aiming to optimize your website or not, having the content organized, visible in a structure and seeing how it relates to each other will help you maintain order and focus on the topics you think have the most potential.


2. Identify your audience – Create Buyer Personas

Defining your Buyer Persona will help you identify the profile of your target audience, how they consume content on the web, what their concerns are, their problems, and how they use search engines to solve them. Use mutual sense and put yourself in their place when looking for information.

Google rewards websites that offer specific answers; think about how you can be the best option for that search. Use all the resources available to provide the best result: images, maps, addresses, phone numbers and other valuable content.

3. Design a Map of the Customer Journey

Also known as a map of the customer decision stages, it is a visual structure that explains in detail the different steps users take in their life cycle with your website.

This type of the map must fulfil two objectives: reflect the experience you want to provide and the experience the client wants to receive.

And what does this have to do with SEO? Well, you must have visibility in search engines at the different stages of the customer’s life cycle and adequately guide them with content specific to their needs until they reach the purchase decision and post-purchase stage.

4. Analyze your Sector and the Competition

Understanding the sector in which you work, what kind of companies rank well, what solutions they offer, if they have a blog, how they use social networks, and what content they generate. The speed of their page, among many other things, will help you know the difficulty level in your sector and give you ideas to improve.

5. Audit your Content – How to improve your Position in Search Engines

Identifying already written content with the potential to be improved/updated is an exercise that can give very positive results. Starting with pages that attract the most visits from search engines is a good starting point. In Google Analytics, you can see the ‘landing pages that receive more organic traffic. This, together with a good keyword strategy and improving other elements of these pages such as titles, ALT tags, meta descriptions, image optimization and updating the content in general, will improve the visibility of these pages in search engines.

One of the metrics I like to look at when doing this type of exercise is to see how the bounce rate changes. Generally, a reduction in bounce rate is a sign that the user has liked what she has read and wants to learn more. (If the user selects it, Google likes it)

6. Hire Engineers for your Marketing Department

Speed, optimal structures and usability improvements are just some things that will help you entice more organic traffic to your website. The symbiosis between a multidisciplinary team will give you extraordinary results. Marketing is a mix between art and science, and SEO is a clear example of this evolution.


7. Follow the Rules of the Game – ‘Users First.’

When Google updates its algorithm, it generally has two goals: to improve user experience and benefit. SEO experts can tell you mass. If you don’t put the user first suspicious strategies. Will affect your website and your business sooner or later.