Table of Contents
The Fundamentals of Business Management
Business Management: A company’s management consists of identifying the actions likely to consolidate the strategy, pilot the operational implementation, and, finally, control the results. In other words, business management aims to rationalize and plan operational decision-making while optimizing the use of resources, business cohesion, and business development.
The Three Levers of Business Management
A company’s management plan ranks the operational objectives, identifies the actions to be undertaken, and optimizes each business line’s contribution. Therefore, a detailed provisional budget and results indicators give realism and credibility to the plan.
Measurement and Control
The implementation of actions is verified, and their respective results are measured. A reporting system provides the company with the overall management of its action plan. It allows the possible implementation of appropriate corrective measures in case of a proven discrepancy between the results obtained and the stated objectives.
Action and Reaction
A change in the environment, a production hazard, or even a sudden change in customer expectations can occur anytime. As a result, the wise management of the company induces the ability to anticipate the consequences of change and to react as soon as possible in the face of unforeseen events.
Good Business Management
The organization and management of companies are all the more efficient when considering the human factor. Competence in business management includes the management of men and women to give meaning to employees and not just objectives. The vocabulary of business management thus offers a prominent place for notions such as motivation, recognition, or collaboration! Moreover, business management subdivides into multiple levers of action, control, and conduct, which require particular skills.
Among these Levers, We can Mention:
- Financial: financial management of the company; general and analytical compatibility; tax management; finance management.
- Production: inventory management, production management, procurement management.
- commercial: commercial management; customer relationship management (CRM)
- human: working time management, staff management, payroll, and training.
- Strategic: communication management; crisis management; Data management.
Essentials of Business Management
Managing a company consists of identifying weak signals to anticipate changes. But also to collect the relevant information and analyze the probable impacts to make the most appropriate decisions given the strategic objectives and the context.
Steering Indicators
The Business Management Dashboard brings together custom metrics and puts them into perspective. These indicators can be commercial performance, production, accounting, financial, or collective efficiency. Thus, decision-makers can have reliable and detailed information on the company’s performance.
Management Tools
Declining the diversity of action levers, the overall quality of the management information system can be significantly facilitated. Likewise, it can enhance by a wide range of automated business management solutions. Indeed, the device’s heart corresponds to data processing, accounting management, payroll management, and production management software.
Added to this is commercial management software, essential for making the most of the company’s commercial potential. Also, to speed up transactions and make profitability and collection more reliable.
Finally comes software dedicated to economic performance, such as inventory management, cash management, or fixed asset management.
The Benefits of an Automated Business Management Solution
The data is centralized: quotes, invoices, accounting entries, and dashboards. Single access is then necessary. Indeed, the processing is 100% automated.
Dashboards allow you to anticipate and decide wisely. The company manages its profitability and the availability of its assets and resources.
Collective Efficiency
The sharing of information and data allows the collaboration of professions and talents. A unified information system aligns practices and procedures.
Action levers are permanently accessible from a connected terminal. Consequently, the management of the activity and the responsiveness do not depend on the location of the decision maker.
Legal obligations integrate and keep up to date in business management solutions. As a result, the rates and coefficients update automatically.
The 5 Points of Management Vigilance for the Business Creator
Knowledge of Cost Prices
Precise knowledge of the breakdown of top product and service costs is the basis for setting consistent selling prices. Moreover, this information is essential to optimize its profitability and build a logic of range. But also to have the room for maneuver that may be necessary during a negotiation.
Controlling Fixed Costs
Business creation and business management require double vigilance. To build in the long term and have solid foundations, the young company must know how to limit its fixed costs initially in favor of variable expenses. Indeed, periods of low activity are easier to get through without a stock in incompressible expenditures.
Controlling the Level of Stock
The correct stock level is a strategic issue in business management. A stock that is too limited induces the risk of stockouts, with the consequences of either a shortfall or an explosion in the cost price to produce a limited series urgently. Too much inventory has a problematic cost for a young company to bear and generates depreciation.
Vigilance on Customer Accounts
Invoicing as soon as the service is delivered, and invoicing a deposit, is key to optimizing your cash stock. The company must react with speed and determination, but in a staggered manner, to any failure. Therefore, the follow-up concerning the deadline by the client is naturally the result of this good management practice.
Vigilance on the Panel of Suppliers
The diversification of the panel and the distribution of strategic purchases between several suppliers are acts of good management. Thus, the young company must not find itself in a situation of dependence on a partner, who may either try to abuse the position or find himself unable to supply, jeopardizing the production cycle.