The life cycle of a product or service includes several processes. Even before exiting, the marketing process is considered near contemplate the feasibility and how good or not it can be to reason about starting a project. Un is undeniable that sales processes have changed, and brands now seek to relate differently with their potential customers, generating the brand standing that the digital age anticipates.

Trendy this post, you will understand what marketing courses consist of, their academic setting, and the request of each of their steps:

Concept of Marketing Processes – 6 Complete Steps of the Marketing Process

Thinking of marketing as a set of events designed at emerging a business, these have a sequential order that, when created, are called marketing processes. This concept arose from Philip Kotler, a benchmark in the Marketing area, who defined it as:

Marketing processes include analyzing marketing chances, researching and selecting target markets, designing marketing strategies, planning marketing programs, and organizing, applying, and controlling the marketing effort.

Considering this sequence of activities, we will define each step that makes up the marketing process.

Opportunity Analysis

When speaking of or service will have sufficient acceptanceThat is so that the answer offered has a forecast demand that opportunities, the position is made to the likelihood that a product is a minimum required to think of its success.

This is where the marketing process begins.

According to Kotler, there are different situations to understand if chances exist:

If somewhat is scarce, that is, if people line up to obtain it or if it has minimal access, it is said that this would be a market opportunity since the supply cannot fully meet the demand.

If a product or service meets your buyers’ needs, but there could be improvements in its conditions or characteristics, this is also a careful opportunity.

Or when a need for a product or service has not been met — although this type of opportunity is usually rarer since it requires a high degree of innovation and creativity.

After this analysis, it is time to know the market.

Market research – 6 Complete Steps of the Marketing Process

After recognizing the opportunity in the previous phase, market research is decisive within the marketing processes. This is carried out in different steps:

  1. information gathering;
  2. Data interpretation;
  3. Differentiation according to relevance.

At this point, you can start thinking about creating a buyer persona for digital strategies.

Within this step, all the critical points must also be considered, that is, the factors that would or would not put the project’s start-up at risk.

After the market research phase, it is time to start the strategy within the marketing process. It is irrefutable that sales processes have changed and that brands now seek to relate differently. with their possible clients and, apart from that, generate the brand reputation that the digital age anticipates.

In this post, you will understand what advertising procedures consist of, their theoretical context, and the request for each of their steps:

Concept of Marketing Processes

Advertising is a set of activities aimed at emerging a business, and these have a consecutive order that, when created, are called marketing processes. This concept arose from Philip Kotler, a benchmark in the Marketing area, who defined it as:

Marketing processes include analyzing marketing opportunities, researching and selecting target markets, designing marketing strategies, planning marketing programs, and organizing, implementing, and regulatory the marketing effort.

Considering this sequence of activities, we will define each step that makes up the marketing process.

Opportunity Analysis – 6 Complete Steps of the Marketing Process

Regarding opportunities, the position is the probability that a product or service has sufficient acceptance. That is so that the solution obtainable has a forecast demand that is the least required to think of its success.

This is where the marketing procedure starts.

Rendering to Kotler, there are different scenarios to understand if the chances are:

If somewhat is scarce, that is, if people line up to acquire it or if it has minimal access, it is said that this would be a market opportunity since the supply cannot fully meet the demand.

If a product or service meets your buyers’ needs, but there could be improvements in its conditions or features, this is also considered an opportunity.

Or when a need for a product or service has not been met — although this type of opportunity is usually rarer since it requires a high degree of innovation and creativity.

After this analysis, it is time to know the market.

Market Research

After recognizing the opportunity in the previous phase, market research is decisive within the marketing processes. This is carried out in different steps:

  1. information gathering;
  2. Data interpretation;
  3. Differentiation according to relevance.

At this point, you can start rational about creating a buyer persona for digital strategies.

Within this step, all the critical points must also be considered, that is, the factors that would or would not put the project’s start-up at risk.

After the market research phase, it is time to start the strategy within the marketing process.

process strategies – 6 Complete Steps of the Marketing Process

The time has come to define what to do or how to put the information obtained in the previous points into practice. For this, it is necessary to start a strategy to establish the product or service involved in the process in the market.

The strategies are:

Segmentation: The market segments to be served must be chosen and focused on those with tremendous potential, based on the data collected in the previous processes;

  1. Differentiation: In this section, we think about the characteristics that are going to distinguish. The product or service is the price. Its presentation or other elements make it attractive.
  2. Positioning: Here it is necessary to determine. How what is being offered to people will become a reference advertising being a key factor at this point.
  3. Emphasis and flexibility: As far as your company is willing to go, that is, what will be considered as something executable and what will not according to your capacity.

Tactic selection

Here we will determine with which actions the strategies will be carried out. Save in mind that this is not a fixed number. The number of activities may vary according to the objective, and of course, to the budget available for its execution.

At this point in the marketing process, Kotler mentions the 4Ps (Product, Place, Price, and Promotion).

The expenses involved in implementing the tactics are also defined.

Finally, they must be scheduled in a schedule of activities.


The time has come to get to work. All the tactics and strategies thought of in the previous steps arrive. Here is an intangible part of the marketing process since it is here. That we will know how well the actions mentioned above were carried out.

In this part, we must consider what solution we are offering. As long as this is a watchword,.We will be able to add value to the product or service for sale.


This is the last part of the marketing process and includes. The analysis of how the activities have been developed up to now from 3 fronts.

  • Strategic control, Make changes or adjustments in the executed strategies. This control is essential due to the constant changes. that may occur both internally and externally.
  • Profitability control,  Know if the income has been able given a representative. Return on the investment and if the other financial indicators show the sustainability of the business.
  • Control of the plan, According to the term established for the strategy’s execution. Review the period to compare it with similar periods.

conclusion – 6 Complete Steps of the Marketing Process

Marketing processes are a series of activities a company carries out. Either when it starts its operation or launches a product or service.

Did you know that as well as this process, there is also digital marketing? Which can be fantastic for achieving sales success?

Learn about Digital Marketing in this great ebook we have prepared for you.